Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Here goes nothing...

How do you start a blog? I’m not sure, really.  After staring at my computer, typing and retyping, I decided to just write.  Whatever comes out in this first post is not planned and cannot be predicted. 

Ironically, that is how I have started to view life. But I will get to that later. Perhaps a proper introduction is in order…

My name is Sarah, age 22, college Graduate, large family, country girl, church go-er, music enthusiast, Spider-Man lover, I could go on.  I have decided to start a blog because I feel…unsure? Since I was little my life plan was simple: Meet the love of my life in high school, get married, have kids, be a stay at home mom (an awesome one, by the way).  That was until I hit High School and realized that I wanted more.  Graduation came and went, college began and so did a new plan: get a degree in Education, get a Masters, find prince charming, get married, have kids, stay at home mom until the kids are in school and then teach.  Well, here I am entering into my last semester of my Master’s program.  Needless to say, the plan is changing again. 

New plan: stop planning so much (eg: school, job, love, day-to-day).  

I need to stop planning every second of my life, which is something I am slowing attempting. However, I have learned that the guy aspect of the equation is out of my control and I am doing fine on my own.  High-five for the single life. But I still need to adjust the rest of my life.
To put into perspective how difficult this is for me, let’s take a look at my quirks:
1) I love lists: to-do lists, shopping lists, you name it.  I like knowing what I need to get done and then vigorously crossing it off
2) Schedules at the same form of excitement for me.  Any of my friends can tell you, I know what I will be doing for most parts of the day…to the minute (as seen on my to-do lists).  And I am always at least 10 minutes early to everything.
3) I love love. I really do.  Having someone to care for is very important to me. (A later post will expand on this)

Coming from a Franciscan University, I am going to attempt to take a more Franciscan view toward life. More following where the road takes me…and less planning the speed at which I will travel the road, side roads I can take, what emergency kits are in the car and what pit stops there are along the way.I will get more into my thoughts and fears of the future in a later post.  My goal is to keep my posts short and readable…but I have been getting long winded with age.

We will see how this blog goes.  I have a nasty habit of starting journals/diaries and finding them years later with 2-3 entries. My thought process behind a blog is that, perhaps, the thought of others tuning in will keep me motivated. The thought process began last night as I stared at my ceiling through a long night of no sleep.  I had so much to say; so many thoughts, emotions and opinions and no one to tell them to. That is common for me, though. Late-night-Sarah is the most honest of people.  Whether I am with people in person, texting, or calling, my thoughts go deeper as the night grows darker.

Therefore, most of my posts will appear at night.  This one is written in the daylight, hence the pointless ramblings.

To end my first post I guess I should clear some things up and let you know what I might be discussing…-I do not expect people to follow this blog.  I am doing this for me and for people that may stumble upon (not the site…actually find by accident) this page and connect with a certain post.  If you connect with one, great! Comment!- If you do happen to follow, shoot me a comment every so often so I know you are out there.- If you have suggestions about post topics, feel free to let me know.  I may or may not write about it.- Things I may discuss: Country life, my view of love and relationships, teaching, the future, religion, goals, politics.

Well…there I go with the planning again…

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I hope you find Blogging as cathartic as I have. I encourage you to say what you want to say always and be not censored by how you fear it might be received or interpreted. Those that matter won't mind and those that mind DO.NOT matter. I do wish to follow your blog and I will comment. One of the most frustrating things to me as a blogger is the lack of comments, there have been times I've thought about offering a prize to a random commenter just to receive the knowledge someone is out there listening. I too am a "planner" but life is teaching me the less I plan, the more I DO. will be at the moment you are YOURSELF the happiest and most fulfilled that the component human connection will find you and then you will decide if you are willing to shake up your life to include them. Write on!
